Codecademy Entrepreneurs Teach Coding to People AND It’s Fun!

26 Jan
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In the running for 2011 best new start-up, Codecademy is a brilliant online FREE service that takes the headache out of learning how to code.

Created by Ryan Bubinski and Zach Sims, the duo saw a niche that needed to be filled—people dying to get a piece of Silicon Valley but not having the background to create the next million dollar app.

Founded just last October, the website offers an array of courses to get you introduced to the coding world—designing a dice game, learning conditionals, and many more tutorials. Codecademy is strictly about learning Java Script, but Bubinski and Sims are hoping to expand into other languages.

Not only does the interactive set-up provide an easy transition but Codecademy also makes it fun and competitive to learn what many believe is considered a mundane task.

The site allows people to track their progress, program websites, and learn with friends.

Plus, it offers Code Year, a one-year coding class that is supplemented with emails and homework. As of last December, 300,000 people have signed-up for the class, and Codecademy can add me as a member.

I jumped on the site and within less than a minute I earned my first badge by completing the task on the home page.

By combining gamification and short class lessons, Codeacademy is on the right track to become the 2011 best new start-up.

  • Codecademy raises $2.5M to make you a coding master (
  • 2012: The Year of Online Learning. (

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