While our economy is in the dumps, consumer confidence remains glum, and jobs are still hard to come by, I believe the silver lining lies in innovation and entrepreneurs.
During this time of hardship, it may not seem like the ideal time to fork over a huge chunk of change to begin your dream endeavor of being your own boss. Mashable reported on a site called AngelList that provides a smoother transaction for small business hopefuls looking to connect with moneybags.
The site provides a meet-up place where start-ups can upload their business plan, network with investors, and hopefully land a little dough. I checked it out. The idea is great but because it is relatively new there is room for improvement in user experience.
As someone who wants to run their own business, having an angel investor may not seem like the most ideal scenario. Isn’t one of the perks of starting your own company is you are your own boss? Regardless of this fantasy world some may want to live it, reality sets in for many and investors are their only option.
Technology is making it easier than ever to connect with investors who may helped cash-strapped entrepreneurs live their dream for a stake in the business.
Even though, the online world is making it easier to find angel investors don’t expect to raise capital with the snap of your finger.
AngelList has approximately 50 to 100 new start-ups a day, and only 1% actually achieve their goal.
If you are thinking about using AngelList as a way to get investors chomping at the bit to fork over their hard earned money for “the next Facebook,” you may want to follow Mashable’s guidelines to ensure you fall into the 1% success rate. (more…)
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