Tag Archives: NYU

NY Tech Club Getting Ready for Startup Week

29 Sep

Tech@NYU is revving up for their semi-annual Startup Week for entrepreneurs, techies, businesses, and more.

The event kicks off on Saturday with the 24-hour hackathon put on by hackNY, where teams compete to build applications and are rated on an “awesomeness” factor. The 2011 Spring winner was for an Etsy Shopping Network, an application that puts the entire Etsy catalog on your television.

After the caffeine infested, adrenaline rush event is finished, the week following is full of panels and workshops with various subjects.





October 1st-2nd

2:00 p.m.-2:00 p.m.

Courant Institute, 251 Mercer St

24 Hour Hackathon

October 3rd

6:00 p.m.-8:00 p.m.

Paulson Auditorium, 40 W 4th St, Rm UC50

Investors Speak to Student-Run Companies

October 4th

6:00 p.m.-8:00 p.m.

Vanderbilt Hall, 40 Washington Square South, Rm 204

Women in Tech

October 5th

6:00 p.m.-8:00 p.m.

Labowitz Theatre, 1 Washington Place, Room 820

How to Get a Job at a Start-up

October 6th

6:30 p.m.-8:30 p.m.

Kaufman Management Center

44 W. 4th Street. 2nd Floor


Ready, FIRE, Aim

Designers as Entrepreneurs

Node.js.Real-Time Web Apps

The NY Tech Club began in 2009 when Trevor Owens wanted to find a way to bring together computer, business, and design students in order to collaborate on start-ups. He explained there wasn’t a lot going on at NYU with entrepreneurs and  wanted to create a center point for students. The first event “Business Meets Tech” took place in October of 2009 with only 50 attendees. Today, approximately 1,000 people attend the club events, which is quite an impressive growth rate for two years. The events are free to anyone and a list of future gatherings can be found here.


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